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A man playing the oboe

A founding member of Britten Sinfonia in 1992, Nicholas Daniel OBE has announced that he is stepping down from his role as Principal Oboe in April. His Co-Principal, Peter Facer, will take on the role of full Principal.

Daniel will leave his post following a performance of Messiaen’s monumental Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum at St George’s Catholic Cathedral, London on 30 April, in which he will conduct the massed forces of Britten Sinfonia and Sinfonia Smith Square. The concert will serve as a celebration of Daniel’s distinguished work and his longstanding relationship with the orchestra.

Nicholas Daniel writes:

“For 33 years I have been a proud member of Britten Sinfonia. Whether as Principal Oboe, in several stints on the board, as Artistic Associate, soloist, conductor, or as spokesperson, it has always given me the greatest joy to be involved, and my fellow musicians and the staff there are precisely friends and family.

However, at a time and at an age when one might think my schedule was starting to relax and calm down a little, I find myself busier than ever with new music, old music, conducting, teaching, and in supporting music in as many ways as I can, particularly with musicians and music lovers of the future. I have realised it’s time to step back; so I have decided to resign after the concert we are giving on the 30th of April.

I am justifiably proud of what we have achieved with the Orchestra, especially recently seeing it survive and indeed thrive after the Arts Council’s incomprehensible decision to cut all our funding. Meurig Bowen and his team have done really amazing work with that, and considering the new music we have created together, the recordings, the concerts, the education work, and so many other things, all informed by the close friendships and trust we have for each other, it’s a wonderful achievement. I’m especially proud of my work inside a unique wind group of incredible talents to play with, the only orchestra with a Wind ensemble (Haffner) as its Wind ranks.

I know we will be on stage together again. There are already thoughts and plans forming, but a Principal Oboe can’t be an occasional visitor, so it’s time to say adieu and the most profound thank you.”

Britten Sinfonia’s CEO and Artistic Director Meurig Bowen writes:

“Nick is one of the most admired instrumentalists in the world, and Britten Sinfonia has been lucky to have him as our Principal Oboe since its inception, giving many memorable performances together and making several important recordings with Nick as soloist. We give him heartfelt thanks as he prepares to step down from his post. We are delighted that Peter Facer, our Co-Principal, will now take on the full role of Principal Oboe. Peter is himself an outstanding player who has excelled not only in our concert performances, but also in our vital work bringing music and inspiration into schools, hospitals and care homes across the East of England.”

Peter Facer (photo: Benjamin Ealovega)

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