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Britten Sinfonia delivers a bold and varied series of concerts throughout the year, alongside Learning & Participation programmes that benefit children and young people, the elderly, and marginalised communities throughout the east of England.

All of this is only possible with your support. 50% of our income comes from ticket sales and the other 50% comes from donations from individuals and institutions. In response to Arts Council England’s withdrawal of our regular funding we have launched our PLAY ON appeal, an urgent and major appeal asking everyone who cares about high-quality music making in the East of England and beyond to make a donation to secure the orchestra’s future. Please visit our appeal page and help us play on.



In response to news that Arts Council England is cutting 100% of Britten Sinfonia's regular public funding, we have launched the most urgent fundraising appeal in our history - PLAY ON.
Find out more and donate
A concert for young people

Become a Member

You can choose between many levels of membership, from joining as a Friend to becoming a member of the Sinfonia Circle. In addition to supporting Britten Sinfonia, you will be able to access priority booking for events and more.
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A view of an orchestra from the back of the stage


A Legacy gift will have a real and lasting impact, ensuring that we can bring our unique brand of music making to future generations of audiences, and the thousands of children, emerging musicians, and members of local communities who benefit from our Learning & Participation programmes every year.
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Complete Bach keyboard concertos recording with Mahan Esfahani

Complete Bach keyboard concertos recording with Mahan Esfahani

Please donate to help make this exciting recording project happen
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How Your Support Helps

How Your Support Helps

Find out where your money goes when you support us.
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