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In November 2022, Arts Council England announced that Britten Sinfonia’s regular funding will be cut by 100% from April 2023.

Please help us limit the damage done to our work by making a donation. You can choose whether to make this a one-off, or a recurring donation.

Your donation will go towards supporting all our projects, helping us share world-class music with the widest possible audience through our concerts and wide-ranging learning and participation programmes across the East of England.

If you’d like to hear more about our membership schemes instead, and would consider becoming a Friend, Benefactor or Chair Partner, do have a look at our Membership options.

If you would like any more information, please email us.

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Britten Sinfonia is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, and supports their code of being legal, open, honest and respectful in all our fundraising practices.