Thank you for thinking of leaving a gift to Britten Sinfonia in your will.

Leaving a gift in your Will to Britten Sinfonia will help ensure that we can bring our unique brand of music making to future generations of audiences, and the thousands of children, emerging musicians, and members of local communities who benefit from our Learning & Participation programmes every year.
Arts funding is increasingly under pressure, and we rely on the generosity of donors to make what we do possible. We are passionate about the role that music and the arts plays in nourishing young and older minds alike, and the wider benefits it brings to society.
“My father loved music; he loved excellence and he particularly loved new things. We were more than delighted that he left a legacy to Britten Sinfonia - which embodied his loves and which he thoroughly enjoyed over many years - to help it, in a modest way, to continue to thrive and grow.”
What your gift supports
A Legacy gift will have a real and lasting impact. Gifts in Will generally support the whole range of the orchestras work; from the concert hall to the school hall (unrestricted gifts). However, if you are interested in a Legacy gift supporting a particular area of our work, then please do get in touch in confidence.
In memory support
If you wish to remember a loved one through a dedication in a Britten Sinfonia concert, recording, or Learning & Participation programme, then please do get in touch.
There are numerous ways to recognise a loved one, such as concert sponsorship, event naming rights, acknowledgment in our recordings, bursary programmes etc. We would also be delighted to discuss a bespoke event to honour the memory of a loved one.
Letting us know
You may of course want your decision to leave Britten Sinfonia a gift private, but if you are comfortable sharing this information, we would be delighted to hear from you as it will give us an opportunity to express our gratitude.
Including Britten Sinfonia in your Will
Making a charitable bequest can be a sound financial planning decision, with Gifts in Will not subject to inheritance tax. We recommend that you speak to a financial advisor to discuss the financial implications and benefits.
To include Britten Sinfonia in your Will, you simply need to provide your solicitor, or Will Writer, with the details below and the type of gift you wish to make.
Charity name: Britten Sinfonia Ltd
Charity address: Britten Sinfonia, Compass House, 80 Newmarket Road, Cambridge, CB5 8DZ
Charity number: 291245
You can find out more about leaving a gift to charity via this gov.uk guide
“Michael was a passionate supporter of the arts throughout his life, particularly music and the theatre. He was especially supportive of new music and commissioning new works, and this proved a great match with Britten Sinfonia’s commitment to identifying and developing emerging composers, and their history of commissioning the UK’s finest composers. We are delighted that his support over many years helped Britten Sinfonia bring new music to the stage, and by leaving a legacy donation, this support for new music is able to continue.”
Contact Britten Sinfonia
If you have any questions about leaving a gift to Britten Sinfonia in your Will, or wish to discuss it further, please contact: Nick Brealey, Britten Sinfonia Development Director

Britten Sinfonia is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, and supports their code of being legal, open, honest and respectful in all our fundraising practices.